Covering letter of the firm(stating applicants position, seniority & monthly net salary in the company)
2 recent passport size photographs
Personal bank statement of the last 6 months
Personal account maintenance certificate
Copy of CNIC
Personal ntn certificate (where applicable)
Recommendation letter from the chamber of commerece (if dealing in import & export)
Round trip ticket
Confirmed travel/package tour itinerary (if the itinerary includes a trip to any third world countries and if turkey is the first country to be visited, said countries’ visas shall be obtained prior the application)
Copy of passport (color)
Personal appearance (mandatory)
Hoterl reservation with payment gurantee
Mother & Father names of all applicants
All previous passports.
Additional Information Required For Visa Processing
Martial status
Parents name
Spous’s name, nationality, date of birth & place of birth